A runner game made for GMTK game jam 2021! When we heard the theme "joined together", we thought we'd make a game with a marriage aesthetic!

Controls - WASD to control Husband Kitty, IJKL to control Wife Kitty.

To win the game, you need to collect 5 tulips and 5 fish. Only Wife Kitty can collect tulips, and only Husband Kitty can collect fish. However, the two will get nervous if they're separated: if they can't see each other for 5 seconds, it's game over!

You will be given a score based on how quick you can finish the game. There are four different endings based on your score!  It'd mean a lot to us if you commented what ending you got, and how you felt about the game! Any criticism is welcome.


GMTKWindows.zip 32 MB


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Very cute! Nice play on the literally tethered interpretation of the theme! Also love any game where you can play as a cute plant or animal creature.

As others wrote the music was lovely but stopped about 60 seconds into the game. Also sometimes the camera would move too much and one of the characters would end up off screen.

Really enjoyed it!


I got the Brilliant Wedding ending! It was a nice, super quick kind of game but 
the music stopped like in 60 seconds and it had no other sound .

Looks like there are a few problems with the download build, so we'd prefer you play the game in your browser!